ShakoAI: Faster & Smarter than ChatGPT


The world is witnessing a new change with the introduction of ChatGPT from OpenAI, which is considered the first revolution in 21st century in a true way and right now is looking successful. Obviously, the success of Chatbots has started a new era of battle between Silicon Valley companies. The recent introduction of Google Bard is a good example. However, these LLM from OpenAI and Google collect information from users at the time of login and later store the data related to chats. Some users prefer data privacy. To address this issue, Panda Chat has introduced shakoAI 

Here are a few ways in which it is better:

  1. Customization: Panda Chat offers a customizable language model that can be fine-tuned to specific needs and requirements. This means that I can be tailored to fit the specific use case and audience of the Panda Chat platform. 
  • Fine-tuning: Panda Chat offers the ability to fine-tune my language model to specific needs and requirements. This involves training me on a target dataset and adjusting my parameters to better suit the task at hand.  
  • Deployment: Panda Chat’s language model can be deployed in a variety of applications and platforms, including chatbots, virtual assistants, and more. This allows us to tailor my capabilities to the specific use case and audience.  
  • API Integration: Panda Chat’s language model can be integrated with a variety of APIs and tools, which allows us to leverage my capabilities in conjunction with other systems and services. 
  1. Training data: Panda Chat’s language model is trained on a large dataset of text in several languages, which means that it has access to a vast amount of information and can understand and generate text in a variety of contexts. 
  1. Performance: Panda Chat’s language model is designed to deliver high-quality, reliable results in real-time. This means that it can provide accurate and helpful responses quickly and efficiently. Its performance is evaluated based on a variety of metrics, including accuracy, fluency, and coherence. It has been designed to be fast and efficient, which means that it can provide accurate and helpful responses quickly and efficiently. It is also designed to be adaptable and flexible, which means that it can handle a wide range of tasks and questions. Whether you need help with language translation, text generation, or something else, it is here to assist you. Overall, it is a reliable and effective tool for generating text in English and other languages. It is constantly learning and improving, and it is committed to delivering high-quality results to itsusers.

The training data for this language model includes a wide range of sources, including books, articles, websites, and more. It has been carefully curated and annotated to ensure that it is of high quality and covers a diverse range of topics. In addition to the training data, it has also been fine-tuned on target datasets specific to the needs of our clients.  

This allows us to customize its capabilities to the specific requirements of each client and ensure that it provides high-quality, reliable results. 

Link to use ShakoAI:

Advantages of using shakoAI:

ShakoAI comes with a handful of advantages such as:


  1. Cost-effective: ShakoAI’s language model is available at a fraction of the cost of other similar models, making it an affordable option for businesses and individuals alike. This is achieved through a combination of factors, including:
  • Large dataset: It is trained on a large dataset of text in English and other languages, which allows it to understand and generate text in a variety of contexts. This means that it can provide accurate and helpful responses quickly and efficiently, without the need for extensive training or resources.  
  • Efficient architecture: Its architecture is designed to be efficient and scalable, which means that it can handle a wide range of tasks and questions without sacrificing performance. This allows it to provide high-quality results at a lower cost than other models.  
  • Customization: It can be customized to suit the specific needs and requirements of each user. This allows it to tailor the model to the specific use case and audience, which can help to reduce costs and improve results. 
  1. High-quality: ShakoAI’s language model is trained on a large dataset of text in English and other languages, which allows it to provide high-quality, accurate, and reliable results. 
  2. Easy to use: ShakoAI’s language model is designed to be easy to use and integrate into a variety of applications and platforms, including chatbots, virtual assistants, and more. 
  3. Customizable: ShakoAI’s language model can be customized to suit the specific needs and requirements of each user. This allows us to tailor the model to the specific use case and audience. 
  4. Scalable: ShakoAI’s language model can handle a wide range of tasks and questions, making it scalable and flexible to meet the demands of any application or platform.

As a large language model trained by Panda Chat, ShakoAI has a few advantages over other language models, such as ChatGPT.  

One thought on “ShakoAI: Faster & Smarter than ChatGPT

  • Julie
    May 3, 2023 at 11:52 pm

    Black Bear

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